Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Obama Is Nothing More Than A Pitchman For A Failed Health Care Program Which Is A Lie!

Obama Is Nothing More Than A Pitchman For
A Failed Health Care Program Which Is A Lie!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry People

Infomercials, those late night program fillers that offer you unbelievable opportunities to make millions of dollars in real estate, pop pills to feel twenty years younger, make your prostate feel good, use gadgets that will give you a six pack like no other, without lifting a finger and numerous other falsehoods to relieve you of your well earned money.

Those that lie on television end up in federal prison and are governed by the laws of the land.  It is the complaints that pour in of the failed product or service and the ignorance of the pitchman who did not take care of the problem, which sinks the system or service.  Those that suffer because of the lies of the pitchman lose out but see that the law is on their side and can obtain satisfaction of the removal of the degenerate morons.

Over three years the pitchman for the Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care) there has been an elected official, the President of the United States, Barack Obama touting how good it is and how you can keep your existing healthcare policy and so many will be better off. 

Since the launch of the web site, which is a disaster and should be the poster child of how not to market or roll out a product, there has been nothing more than disgust by the average American.  Each direct question has been beaten off with even more lies.  The logical facts speak for themselves and honesty would have been so much better for all.

The lie upon lie of the costs, services and overall better product has not only been exposed, it is showing that this governing body could care less about you, us, the public.  Even to the point of exposing your financial information to hackers!  Admitting they knew it was a major risk, but acceptable to them, the government has committed an atrocity of errors that even Shakespeare could not have written about.

The pitchman and his minions must go!  Jail is too good for them, but they have broken the law, physically and morally.  

Why are over 311 million American citizens just standing there, reamed by their own government?  

Lied to, every single day and the stories get worse and worse. Never receiving a direct answer to serious questions and only that they will fix it!  The perfect example of why government should never be in commercial business is being aired everyday on the news channels.

Maybe they put something in the water, sorry, I don’t want to bring up conspiratorial stories!

Fess up and comply with the public’s demands, shut it down and reassess the situation and assist those that have already lost their medical health plans.  

Please have some testicular fortitude!  

Even the Health Secretary!

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Copyright 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Who Let Trust Escape?

Who Let Trust Escape?

by Nick Ashton

Once upon a time, you trusted politicians, doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, professors, the butcher, baker, candle stick maker and your own family.  

No More!

It is proven time and time again they are liars, cheats, enemies, spies, child abusers, sex fiends and any other headline you would care to add that surround you.  They say you learn from history and experience in life and life should be more normal.  After all, we do all know right from wrong, do we not? 

It seems not!

Prior to the last election I had a conversation with Michael Reagan and we both agreed that there was no conservative candidate available.  I asked, if we needed to manufacture or create a suitable, electable candidate, we both agreed it was.  We know the outcome and it still has me thinking who did what to who and how could a sitting President, with such a vile track record be re-elected, but he did.  Now the question is even more to the forefront of my understanding.

It seems that the Great America of power, security, defense and innovation has gone by the wayside.  Like Great Britain, who dominated the world, who won the war and lost the trophy, America is in the same downward spiral.  No one likes us, trusts us and wants anything to do with us.  The laughing stock of the world.

Is it too late?

Reported by the AP on Sunday, "Dick Cheney said that Republicans need to look to a new generation of leaders as the party deals with poor approval ratings following the government shutdown.
The former vice president said Republicans have faced challenges before and it’s healthy for the party to work to rebuild.

The GOP “got whipped” in the 2012 presidential campaign, when President Barack Obama won re-election over Mitt Romney, and the party needs to build its base of supporters and find “first-class” candidates and turn to a new generation of leaders, Cheney told ABC’s “This Week.”

“It’s not the first time we have had to go down this road and it’s basically, I think, healthy for the party to be brought up short, say, OK, now it’s time to go to work,” Cheney said."

Time to go to work and we do not need just for aspiring politicians!  It is for all of us!

We must rebuild the American Trust from the inside out and let it be from the hearts of the people.  It is back to the greatest opportunity of ownership, the American Dream. 
Bring a far better Mouse Trap, Trust, Respect And Pride bringing back to those Americans of all colors, class and creeds that wish and demand the life that was laid out by those who had foresight.

Disassociated decisions will be no more, our forefathers wrote a document or two that still means something and will be adhered to. 

The forefathers were certainly given an insight to what would become of America.  It is now in your hands to make your voices heard loud and clear. Straying from the path has cost every single person dearly and will take a generation or two to return to normalcy, that is what we must strive for.

Crime and violence has reached a level of nonsensical proportions and will be reined in by using the laws on the books to stop this element, which believes they have the upper hand, they do not!  It was the change in how law and order were enacted that Sir Robert Peel, in 1839, which was a turning point that we have gotten away from that must be enforced if we have a chance to right the wrongs of a lost society.  

Entitlements do nothing more than bred contempt for class distinction.  Jobs and a working for one's self and others is the only way to bring respect back into our lives.  The plans are afoot, the solution is waiting and the opportunity is yours.

The debacle over healthcare is but the tip of a very cold stethoscope and an obtrusive rectal exam that are on the edge of taking down the nation.  

One man, Barack Obama introduced the healthcare act and Congress and the House voted, with the wool pulled over their eyes.  They never read it and were coerced by a silk tongued Chicago failed lawyer in voting and passing the bill.  

The error of their ways is now biting them in the rear and like scared mice are clambering to disassociate themselves from the sinking ship.

All are as guilty as sin against the people of the United States of America.

What can you do about your nation is simple, start taking notice and be logical in all that you do and say.

The way forward is before you and our forefathers mapped it out very clearly. Use your logic and common sense and all will be revealed.

Stop just listening, get involved at all levels, ask those questions and stand up for what is yours!

It is the dawn of a new day...

Telephone: +1 (607) 699.1736