Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It Is The Lies That Sink You, Not Just The Evidence of The Criminal Act!

It Is The Lies That Sink You,
Not Just The Evidence of The Criminal Act!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Any detective or officer will tell you, it not just the evidence of the crime, it the cover-up with the lies that sink the culprit.  In a federal case, lying to a Federal Agent is a crime in itself.

Our sitting government has broken the law in many realms and President Barack Obama is a perfect example.  Since taking office, Obama has been deceiving the American people on many fronts and in fact it started before his presidential bid in the great state of Illinois, which seems to have a larger population of liars and cheats who are in public office and now in jail.

I will not dwell on Obama’s priors, let us just focus on the present and I do

not mean the gift of the so called Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care).  It has been a lie from the start. From the inception, all involved knew, lived it and continue to fail to admit to the falsehoods stated every day from the president down. Emails and documents prove the point and are being released, although slowly.  Maybe Mr. Snowden can throw some light on the matter from the depths of Russia.

The last time such bold face lies were uttered from a sitting President was from Bill Clinton and the affair with Monica, all under oath.  It seems it part of Presidential DNA to dupe and lie to the American people and it has to be stopped by making an example of the liars.

This is a national problem and must be dealt with on that level and it must be handled now!

The USA is being mocked over simple things, like telling the truth.  From Obama-Care to the spying by the NSA.  Someone in the administration needs to have the testicular fortitude to come forward and expose the facts and stand their ground.

We await the press conference…

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KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

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